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Chinese Family View

时间2024-05-06 10:24:16 提问来自 山西省太原市 的网友 分类创作 浏览45
The Chinese family view is deeply rooted in Confucianism, which emphasizes the importance of family values, respect for elders, and filial piety. In traditional Chinese families, the patriarchal system is prevalent, with the father as the head of the household and the eldest son inheriting the family's responsibilities. One of the most important values in Chinese culture is filial piety, which means that children are expected to show their parents respect, obedience, and gratitude. This includes taking care of their parents in old age and ensuring that their parents' wishes are fulfilled. Another important aspect of the Chinese family view is the emphasis on education. Parents place a high value on their children's academic achievements and often sacrifice their own time and resources to provide the best possible education for their children. In recent years, however, the traditional Chinese family view has been changing. With the rise of modernization and globalization, more and more Chinese families are adopting Western values and becoming more individualistic. Nevertheless, the importance of family and filial piety still remains a fundamental part of Chinese culture.


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 在科技强国建设新征程中,新时代大学生能做什么 下一篇 请结合《走好新时代科技自立自强之路》专题和今年3月23日召开的江西省科技会议聚焦“深入实施科技兴赣六大行动,以科技创新引领现代化产业体系建设”,谈谈你对党的二十大提出的“科技强国”战略的认识及行动