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时间2024-04-27 19:21:31 提问来自 福建省福州市 的网友 分类创作 浏览38
标题:Spring Outing Invitation Attention all students! The Student Union is excited to announce our spring outing this weekend to the serene Green Valley Park. Join us for a day of fun and relaxation on Saturday, April 17th at 9:00 AM. We will gather at the main gate entrance. Please bring comfortable walking shoes, a packed lunch, water, and sunscreen. Don't forget your camera to capture the beautiful scenery and memorable moments. Sign up by Wednesday for a chance to win a free picnic hamper. See you there!


创作工场 免责声明:

上一篇 你们大学的学生会将于本周末组织春游。作为工会领导人,写一份备忘录,贴在公告板上,邀请你的同学参加活动。你的备忘录应该描述参观的地方,见面的时间和地点,以及活动的必要准备工作。写一篇150字的内容 下一篇 从发展层面读懂中国式现代化